Once Upon a Time Wiki

These are the guidelines for OUAT wiki chat.


Roleplay accounts aren't allowed on this wikia and will be banned from chat immediately and this ban lasts forever. Roleplaying isn't permitted from your own (as in, not roleplay, just editing) account either, and if you roleplay from that account then you will be warned. If you continue to roleplay after we warned you we will kick.


Spam isn't permitted on chat, as it's annoying and often lags chat for everyone (sometimes even freezing browsers). If you're spamming but don't know it you will be warned. If you are a spammer however, you will be kicked.


If you do any of the above, you will be warned. They're hurtful, and serious things, so if you're banned for this it's longer than most other things. If you still continue to do it after being warned, you will be kicked.


We don't ban without warning you, so you get one warning before a kick. If what you do is very serious (such as enough spam to freeze someone's browser), you will be kicked, and an explanation will be left on your talk page.


Which means if you were kicked from chat 3 times you are banned from chat for 3 days. Once that time is over you are free to come into chat. But if you get kicked 3 times again and get banned the ban is 1 week. If you do it again it's 2 weeks. Then it's a month, and finally a permanent ban. Kicks will erase at the end of the day. So, if you get 2 kicks, the next day you will have 0 kicks. But if you continue getting kicked everyday you will be banned.


If you're banned from chat, do not come on another account. That account will be banned forever, and if you continue making sockpuppets, your main account will be banned double the time it was originally going to be.

Creeping out[]

This is a new one. If a lot of people feel uncomfortable around you or you are "creeping out" the users, you can get warning. Examples could be flirting constantly with a user or asking for personal info when the person does not want to answer them.


Do not type in all capital letters. You may type in caps, but if you only type in caps (especially if you spam the chat with them), you will be kicked.

Requirements that you need to get into chat[]

You must have an account that is at least two days old and have fifteen edits. This is to prevent trolls from getting into our chat and having things be too hectic.

The admin: OnceUponATimeFan3.

The chat moderators:

These guidelines may change over time.
